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What is Hyperhidrosis?

It is the most recommended treatment for the elimination of excessive sweating in the hands, feet and armpits (hyperhidrosis). This procedure achieves the normalization of sweating in these areas, effectively and lastingly.

imagen de medicina estetica corporal clinica renacimiento madrid

Hyperhidrosis Treatment

What is it and what results to expect

Hyperhidrosis is the excess of sweat that occurs in an unpredictable and uncontrollable way, without being caused by high temperatures or situations of physical or emotional tension, which hinders the patient's social and work relationships.

It is a treatment with botulinum toxin, which consists of the infiltration of small amounts of said toxin in the armpits, hands or feet. This product inhibits neuromuscular transmission, which causes a blockage of excess sweating.

The treatment regimen is repeated once a year.

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20 to 40 minute session
No pain
Immediate, no recall required
Can be combined with other Treatments
imagen de casos hiperhidrosis clinica renacimiento madrid
imagen de RINOPLASTIA antes y despues clinica renacimiento madrid
imagen de RINOPLASTIA antes y despues clinica renacimiento madrid

It consists of the application of a high frequency, intensity and energy ultrasound beam, focusing it accurately and safely, causing a warming of the tissue, generating a magnifying effect without affecting the most superficial tissues of the epidermis. By respecting the superficial layers of the skin, it is a non-invasive treatment that does not require any recovery period.

In sessions of 30 to 50 minutes. Minimal discomfort. It is usually well tolerated, although each patient has a different sensitivity.

Most revolutionary and advanced treatment against localized fat and body flaccidity. Non-surgical alternative to traditional liposuction.

Safe and precise. More than 10 years of experience in patients. Alternative to traditional liposuction. More than 10 years of experience in patients. Immediate and lasting results. Increased collagen, elastin and Ac. Hyaluronic. No scars, no surgery. Immediate reinstatement. In sessions of 30 to 50 minutes. Minimal discomfort. It is usually well tolerated, although each patient has a different sensitivity. At any time of year.

Addressed to:

People with localized fat accumulations.
Patients with flaccidity, who do not want to undergo surgery.
Aimed at those who want to achieve the results of a traditional liposculpture without having to undergo surgery.
We introduce you to our team led by Dr. Joaquín García Aparicio

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